Community Empowerment Program Grant Application
Please complete the form and submit by clicking the "Submit Form" button below. Please attach the required Organization Description, Project Narrative and Budget Summary using the document upload tool at the end of the form. Detailed application instructions and requirements can be found on the website at

If you have any questions please visit, email or call 1-866-MEC-ELEC (632-3532).

Fields with * are required fields.

If you require more than one session to complete this form, you can save your data ON THIS COMPUTER and complete the form later. Click the 'Save my data' button at the bottom of the paqe.

Applicant Information

Organization Information
If yes, please indicate type of 501(c)(3).
If applicable, please upload the following documents:

Project Information

Will the requested funds enable the completion of the overall project?

Are any in-kind services being offered for this project?

Does the requesting organization have a reserve/operating fund?
If yes, how much money is in the reserve fund?

If applicable, please upload any photos of the Project.
Please upload your Budget Summary. Refer to the 2020 Budget Summary sample listed on for the format.
Please upload your organization's current financial statement.
If applicable, please upload proof of any federal, state, municipal or local funding that your organization receives.
This application must be signed by the CEO or administrator of the organization requesting the grant.
To the best of my knowledge and belief, all information in this application is true and correct.

Click here to draw your signature.

With your mouse, draw your signature. Then click Finish.


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